
Sung Hoon Kang will start as an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University in January 2015

Sung Hoon Kang will start as an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University in January 2015

October 1, 2014

It is with great pleasure to announce that Sung Hoon Kang, who has been a post-doc in our group for the last two years, will start as an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute at the Johns Hopkins University in January 2015. On the university website, you can find his profile and his ...

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Gus Domel

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Journal of Applied Mechanics Award

March 30, 2014

Congratulations to Katia and to Oscar Lopez-Pamies from University of Illinois who will receive the 2014 Journal of Applied Mechanics Award for their paper "Some remarks on the effect of interphases on the mechanical response and stability of fiber-reinforced elastomers".

Welcome Farhad

Welcome Farhad

January 27, 2014

We welcome Farhad Javid, who will join our lab as a Post-Doctoral Fellow.

Award Sahab Babaee

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